Wading Into The Pool of Money

February 25, 2010 at 12:01 pm (Uncategorized)

One thing in the world of Christianity that is the “norm” is in the area of tithing.  We, most Christians, have been taught that tithing is for the New Testament Christian and is to be at the very least 10% of our income.  And most will say that 10% comes straight from our gross pay.  This is something that I have had the desire to delve further into and see what Scripture really says about it….not just what I’ve been taught.  Needless to say it’s been interesting thus far, and that’s why I am writing about it.  I am beginning to see my views on tithing shifting from what has been ingrained in me, to what I believe Scripture might be teaching.  Then again I could be completely way off base. ….Semper Reformanda!

So what I write here is no where close to being exhaustive but rather to get you to think and dig deeper into the Scriptures as I am attempting to do.

Whenever we speak about tithing being Scriptural, for the New Testament Christian, we usually refer to verses like Malachi 3:8-10, and the many instances in the Old Testament where tithing is spoken about in regard to being under the law (Nehemiah 12:44 for example) .  We see that it was mandated under the law.  I don’t think there are too many that will argue with that.  So then if tithing is under the law as the Old Testament tells us, and we know from Matthew 5:17 that Christ came to fulfill the law, then is tithing Scriptural?  …Something to think about.

As I began thinking and praying and searching the Scriptures I began to think about tithing in my own life.   I’ve always been taught that you MUST give 10% and all other giving is above and beyond that.  If we give at least the 10% then we know that God will bless us, and the reference used ….Malachi 3:8-10. The only places I’ve found where tithing is mentioned in the New Testament is in the Gospels when referring to the Scribes and Pharisees, and then in Hebrews in reference to the Old Testament Law.

So then it seems tithing becomes the check I write every 2 weeks w/out thinking about it.  It’s a seemingly routine, ritualistic,  legalistic thing that I do every week b/c I was told that Scripture commanded it.  Oh but lest I forget the other check, that is the check mark I make on my list of things to do to be a good Christian.  Where is my heart in the matter, and where is my joy in the matter.  I know I can only speak for myself and most of you reading may be doing just this and say but, “I get great joy in giving the 10th and don’t see it that way. ” That may be so and praise the Lord for it. But I know for me at times,  it is the way described above.  I will say though over the last  1 1/2 years I have experienced a whole lot more joy in my giving, since the Lord moved us to a different church family, and I praise Him for that!

Scripture teaches that we’re to be a cheerful giver. 2 Cor. 9:7 “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”  God has blessed us abundantly and we should joyfully give back to Him a part of what He’s given to us.   Most, if not all of us, give from our pay checks each week, and don’t consider anything else.  What if someone purchases something  for you that you needed? They essentially gave you a sum of $ and put it toward a necessity you had.  Do you tithe 10% of that? …That’s just one small example.  Take it further and think about it.

These are some beginning thoughts on this topic and something that I need to continue to study to come to a very solid biblical conclusion about where I stand , so there may be more posts in the future on this.  Comments are definitely welcome.

Semper Reformanda!

Soli deo Gloria!

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